Sunday, January 01, 2006

They Got Me...

Marie tells me that being 'tagged' is part of being in the blogging world. So she graciously 'tagged' me to make sure I get the full benefit. Since I'm a newbie loser with nobody to tag except Marie (who already got tagged) and Heidi (who Marie also got at the same time she got me) I'm filling out the info portion but not tagging anyone else... At least not this time around...

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.

1. Little Miss Pissy Pants
2. Nickle Annie
3. Smiling through the cracks--Robin
4. Around the Writer's Block--Marie
5. Buzzing In My Brain--Jon

What were you doing 10 years ago?

In January of 1996, I was working as a electrical enginner at Cooper Tire & Rubber in Bowling Green, OH, getting 2-3 call-ins a night sometimes. We had just over 6 months left planning our wedding in Vermont from Ohio. Marie and I had just celebrated our first official Christmas together (where we were in the same state) I was 26 years old. I was attempting to get my two left feet untied from each other by taking ballroom dance lessons for our weddings--I've since tied them back together....

Five snacks you enjoy:

1. Pizza--I prefer it cold, even though Marie thinks I'm weird for it.
2. Triscuit crackers
3. I'm with Marie with the chips and salsa--but I like medium
4. Soda--pop, coke, cola, etc. Call it what you like. I prefer drinking Pepsi
5. Candy bars--Prefer chocolate and caramel (Milky Way, Caramello, Take 5, etc)

Five songs you know all the lyrics to:

1. I Should Have Known Better--The Beatles (Ok, I know a LOT of Beatles songs, but this one is one I almost always sing along to!)
2. Sleeping With The Television On--Billy Joel (lesser known, but pretty cool song
3. That's What I Like About You--The Romantics (Yeah!)
4. In the Air Tonight--Phil Collins (Ok, who doesn't know this one? I even know the correct place to put in my incredible air drum solo.)
5. Separate Ways--Journey (Great song, just watch your speed if you play it in the car!)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

Ok, this is gonna look a lot like Marie's, but I can't help it.
1. Pay off all our bills
2. Set up trust fund/college account for the girls
3. Get Marie a cool Red car
4. Setup a cleaning staff for the house.
5. Travel--Doesn't matter where or how ; just see new places with Marie and the girls.

Five bad habits:

1. I drink too much soda--some people get their morning start in a cup of coffee, I get mine in a can or two of soda; then I keep drinking it all day)
2. Tailgating--but, Marie's working on that :))
3. Procrastinating--Hard work pays off eventually, procrastination pays off now!
4. Not being assertive enough--It's getting better though
5. Not cleaning up stuff till it really needs it--see #3 above--and I wonder where the girls get it

Five things you like doing:

1. Spending time with Marie--even though we don't get to often enough
2. Sleeping--this interferes with most of the others
3. Skiing--Cailyn's skiing the big mountain this year!
4. Watching Mythbusters with Marie
5. Reading Dilbert--Sometimes hits too close to home/work :)

5 favorite toys:

1. Xbox
2. TiVo
3. My Palm Pilot
4. My new iPod--still figuring it out
5. Computers


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