Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Go Browns!

The Browns are in 2nd place in the AFC North, they have a winning record (4-3), and they have won two games in a row for the first time in years. I hear you out there (especially you, Jeff) asking me "Are you really proud of that?" Heck yeah! I'm a die hard Browns fan and that means I'm tickled when they are winning and stand by them when they die hard. I have been a fan since the days on Brian Sipe, Ozzie Newsome, Bob Golic, and Coach Sam Rutigliano. I was a fan when Bernie side armed, and when The Ice Cube Stood up the Fridge. I was a fan before Bill Belichick (yes, that one) was a somebody.

For those of you who know me, I've always said that I'm not one of those band wagon jumpers, like all of those millions of Indians fans that just appeared over the last few years (no, I'm not one of them). A few years ago, you couldn't pay people to admit they like the Indians (they even made a series of movies about them!)

I like the Browns, whether they win or lose. Sure I get disapointed when they lose, but I stay with them with the hope the we will stop "building for the future" and have a great team now. If things keep going they way they are this year, the future could be now. GO BROWNS!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

You would think....

... that with all the money Manny Ramirez makes (2007 salary = $17,016,381 not including endorsements) he would be able to afford a new batting helmet once in a while. Or you would think that a team that makes it to the world series twice in 4 yrs, would get new helmets for the players. Apparently, Manny is a fire fighter on his off days because his batting helmet looks like it has been melted and gouged many times over. It even looks like it hurts to wear it.

I get that baseball players are a superstitious sort, but this just looks messed up. It's like the guy that has a lucky shirt that he can't wash anymore out fear it will fall apart.

I know he's a little busy these days, but maybe he could spend 10 minutes on E-Bay and pick up a new one for about $50.