Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Beginning

This is my first post. I guess being married to a writer is rubbing off on me. If fact she inspired the name for my blog - she always says she has so many thoughts and ideas buzzing in her brain it is hard to organize them. Check out her stuff too(cause she's much better at this than I am) at:

I am going to ramdomly post things that buzz around in my brain. (I have to acknowledge them before I lose them...) Many will be common thoughts, some funny, but some I'll wonder if anyone else thinks like that.

I'm sure I'll have to have Marie help with the formatting and stuff along the way...

So to start things off right (ok some may argue), here's the thought for the day:

Why don't Christians celebrate Jewish holidays too? Jesus was Jewish. Why should we throw away his heritage?


Blogger Marie Rossiter said...

Wow. I'm shocked and thrilled at the same time, but you've always been good at that, haven't ya, hon?? ;)

You got your blog name from me? Well, I hope it's not because you hear a loud buzz whenever you're around me--I hear that happens between husband and wife sometimes. LOL

Great first post, by the way. I'll probably leave my thoughts on your topic over on my blog otherwise I'll hog up too much space in your comments.

Welcome to our world, honey. Glad you're here!


8:17 AM  
Blogger Marie Rossiter said...

Thanks for clearing that buzz inspiration stuff up--wouldn't want anyone to think that I'm as annoying as buzzing in the brain!


Love ya!


2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dad! Love it! your on here too! YAHOOOOO!!!!!

Adpoted #3

8:58 AM  

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